Strengthening Family Connections: A Parent's Guide to Navigating the College Years

Understanding Their World

College juniors are in a unique stage of life. They're no longer new to campus life, but they're not quite at the finish line either. This period can bring various challenges, including maintaining mental health and academic performance. Be aware of common stressors, such as internships or looming career decisions, and approach them with empathy and support.

Stay Connected—Authentically

Creating regular opportunities for meaningful conversation helps keep your bond strong. Rather than just texting, make a habit of calling or video chatting. Hearing your student's voice or seeing their expressions can give you better insights into their emotional state.

Support Their Mental Health

Mental health can be fragile during college years. Regularly discuss mental health, make sure they know where to find campus resources, and encourage them to seek help if needed. Erase the stigma surrounding mental health issues and prioritize well-being over academic perfection.

Plan Visits Wisely

Plan visits to campus that give you a glimpse into their college life. Attend events and meet their friends. This shows you care about their world and strengthens your relationship.

Budget Together

Financial responsibility is crucial. Work with your student to create a budget that includes tuition, books, social activities, and other expenses. Teach them to track their spending and ensure they understand the importance of living within their means.

Encourage Extracurricular Balance

Encourage your student to balance academic pursuits with extracurricular activities. Whether it's joining a club, playing a sport, or volunteering, these activities provide a break from academic pressures and offer valuable life skills.

Be a Resource, Not a Helicopter

Trust your student's ability to handle their problems while letting them know you're there for support. Resist the urge to solve every issue for them. This builds resilience and independence, key qualities for adult life.

Address Substance Use Concerns

Alcohol and substance use are prevalent on college campuses. Have open, non-judgmental conversations about their presence and effects. Ensure your student is informed about making safe choices and seeking help if needed.

Affirm Their Identity

Embrace conversations about sexual health, relationships, and identity. Whether discussing consent or supporting LGBTQ+ issues, make sure they feel safe and respected in expressing their true selves.

Keep Learning

The college journey is as developmental for parents as it is for students. Stay informed and involved without being overbearing. The more you understand their experiences, the better you can support them.

Building and maintaining a strong connection with your college junior requires effort, empathy, and balance. By staying involved yet allowing space for independence, you can help your student navigate college successfully while keeping your family bond strong.

Additional Resources


7 Essential Tips to Help Your College Junior Thrive Academically


Navigating Sophomore Year: Empowering Your Child’s Career and Personal Growth