10 Essential Tips for Parents Navigating Their Child's Freshman Year

1. Open Lines of Communication

Regular communication is key. Make time for frequent calls or FaceTime sessions beyond mere texts, as it’s easier to detect issues through voice or video. Encourage open conversations about their experiences, both good and bad.

2. Mental Health Support

Prepare your student by discussing mental health regularly. Highlight how to recognize symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other conditions. Ensure they know about campus resources like counseling centers and hotlines.

3. Financial Literacy and Responsibility

Help your student create a budget to manage their expenses. Include flexible and recreational expenses such as clothing, dorm furnishings, and entertainment . Keeping track of loans and understanding interest rates is crucial.

4. Instill Healthy Coping Skills

Discuss healthy ways to manage stress, including both social and physical coping methods. Encourage activities like deep breathing, exercise, and maintaining a balanced diet.

5. Understand and Utilize Campus Resources

Familiarize yourself with campus health services, including mental health support. Inquire about available services and how to access them during emergencies.

6. Address Alcohol and Drug Use

Have honest conversations about the dangers of alcohol and drug use. Discuss the impact on health and academics, the importance of making safe choices, and campus resources available for help.

7. Manage Relationship Dynamics

Guide your student on navigating friendships and romantic relationships. Discuss the importance of consent, maintaining boundaries, and the impact of drinking on decision-making.

8. Academic and Extracurricular Balance

Help your student find a balance between academics and extracurricular activities. This can prevent burnout and ensure they make the most of their college experience.

9. Emergency Preparedness

Ensure your student knows what to do in a medical or psychiatric emergency. They should be familiar with who to contact and where to go on campus.

10. Encourage Self-Advocacy

Promote the importance of self-advocacy. They should feel comfortable asking for help, whether it’s for mental health support, academic assistance, or any other need.

By following these tips, you can help your freshman navigate their first year of college with confidence and resilience. Your support and guidance play a vital role in their success and well-being.


Easing the College Transition: Financial Planning Tips for Parents of Freshmen


Empowering Freshman Parents: Essential Tips for Supporting Your College Student's Health and Well-being