7 Resume-Building Activities for College Freshmen

As summer waves in, while it's tempting for college freshmen to hit pause and bask in relaxation, it’s equally a golden chance to partake in activities that can beef up their resumes. Drawing from my experience as a principal, here are seven summer ventures that can significantly elevate your student’s resume and simultaneously boost personal and professional growth:

1. Dive into Internships

Securing an internship in their field isn’t just about filling space on a resume—it’s about gaining hands-on experience, mastering professional skills, and weaving crucial industry connections. Even the unpaid gigs are treasure troves of learning and networking.

2. Commit to Volunteer Work

Volunteering demonstrates a dedication to community and cultivates essential soft skills like teamwork and leadership. It’s beneficial to steer towards volunteer opportunities that resonate with their career goals or personal passions.

3. Tackle a Part-Time Job

From retail to lifeguarding, any part-time job teaches vital life lessons in responsibility and time management. These roles highlight a young adult’s discipline and their knack for juggling various duties.

4. Earn Certifications

The lazy days of summer are perfect for pursuing additional courses or certifications pertinent to their future career paths. Many of these can be tackled online and are stellar additions to any resume.

5. Acquire New Skills

Picking up new skills—be it a foreign language, a software program, or a creative pursuit like photography—adds layers not only to their personal development but also makes their resume more robust.

6. Pursue Academic Research

Getting involved in academic research or special projects, especially under a professor’s guidance, can significantly bolster a resume, particularly for those eyeing graduate studies. These initiatives show a proactive engagement with their field of study.

7. Hit Up Networking Events

Summer doesn’t put a stop to networking opportunities. Urge your child to attend relevant industry events or seminars. Connections made here can lead to mentorships or future job prospects.

Action Items to Maximize Summer:

  • Plan Ahead: Start organizing summer activities during the spring semester. Early birds catch the best internships and courses!

  • Maintain Balance: While it’s great to chase career goals, ensure your child finds time for some summer fun too. Overloading can backfire with burnout.

  • Document Everything: Keep a meticulous record of all summer activities, noting down skills acquired and responsibilities undertaken. This detailed log will be invaluable when sprucing up their resume.

Support Tips for Parents:

  • Explore Interests Together: Chat about what gets your child excited and help them find summer activities that align with these interests.

  • Provide Resource Support: Help them navigate the often overwhelming process of securing internships, jobs, and other opportunities.

Summer is far more than a school break; it’s a fertile period for laying down the groundwork for a thriving career. By diving into these activities, your child doesn’t just polish their resume; they also gather rich experiences that pave the way for substantial personal and professional growth.


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