

Do increases in federal student loan limits cause college price increases?

Keeping Tuition Costs Low

How Do You Make College Worth It?

Getting Good Value from a College Education

Falling state contributions to higher education explain just part of tuition rise

  "arrow" by flickr user alan berning, cc license In the past few years, many reports have come out about how state funding for colleges have decreased significantly. While this is a multi-year trend, it was exacerbated by the recession. Some states budgets haven't looked the same since; Louisiana (-34.4%), Arizona (-24.4%), and Nevada (-21.8%) still remain far below their pre-recession higher education funding levels. These reports often link these cuts in higher education funding to higher tuition costs. This is almost certainly true, but it leaves out a key part of the story.

Calculating your college savings needs

At least once a year, an article about target numbers for college savings are published on major media websites. Recent articles include this one on, this one on, and this one on A new one came out just this week on As one can see, this is common territory. But, here at College Parents of America, we think that such articles serve as helpful reminder of how difficult it can be to project out college costs and figuring out your needed amount of savings.

The Cost of Tuition-Free Public College

  pic (cc-license) from flickr user John Cooper With the arrival of the new year, it's great to think big... and big ideas already abound in this still-young year. Multiple colleges have announced that they will slash tuition. UC Davis is trying to showcase unique student achievements through a 'badging' system. Gallup and Purdue University are teaming up to measure student outcomes post-graduation. And a senate bill seeks more college accountability for student loans. But here's a big idea you may not have heard about: making public college tuition free for all students.

The White House Case for Why College Costs Need Curbing

   Earlier today, the White House released a fact sheet detailing the need to curb college costs and some proposed methods that may achieve such a goal.  

Increasing Access & Transparency in College Refund Policies for Student Withdrawal

IntroductionA sad truth of higher education is that not every student will graduate.

“Sacrifice beyond reasoning”: The Dilemma in Choosing College Prestige vs Cost of Enrollment

 photo by flickr user 401(K) 2013 

Protecting Your Investment Checklist

College can be a huge investment. Is yours protected? With the College Parents of America Protecting Your Investment Checklist, you can assess your investment and determine your risk factor should your ability to pay be compromised. By downloading this checklist, you and your family can decide if tuition protection is suitable for you.

Outsourcing Non-Academic Functions

Everybody is talking about the rising cost of college tuition and the resulting student loan debt that America’s college students are accumulating.  Parents and students are wringing their hands and complaining loudly, while many politicians are placing blame and passing the buck.