

Rob Paulsen: Animaniac, Ninja Turtle, College Parent, and College Drop Out

By: Reyna Gobel MBA, MJ Rob Paulsen never had problems bonding with his son when he was a little. After all, he voiced Rafael in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. What’s cooler than that to a 6-year-old? Parenting got tougher when Paulsen told his son to not drop out of college when he left […]

How to Develop Good Spending Habits in College

Balancing fun and finances is never easy, especially in college. During these memorable years, students should balance their education and social lives.So, what exactly is the best way to ensure you’re setting yourself up for a healthy financial future during and after school? For the most success in developing great spending habits and making intelligent […]

“My Young Adult is F.I.N.E.”

How we can ask more specific questions to ensure that our young adults aren’t struggling in silence and be honest about what they’re experiencing in higher education. When asking “How are you?” to your young adult, have you ever wondered if there’s something more behind the curtains of their “I’m fine” answer?  I wish I […]

Basic Life Skills Your Student Needs Before Going To College

College is a time where young adults go off into the “real world” and begin to become adults. There are many skills that we assume these young adults have, but they may not know how to apply them in their own environment. These skills may seem obvious to us, but in order to set our […]

What College Students Need For A Car

The time has finally come for your baby to make the big leap from your nest into the vast world of college. Books, classes, meal plans, and living arrangements can add up quickly along with the fact that your student still must have a dependable means of transportation. Determining how your child will get around […]

Understanding Award Letters

Many times — maybe too many — high school seniors are just so happy to be accepted to their dream school that they don’t give a second thought to the financial implications of their college choice. Then reality sinks in when they start digging into the details of college award letters. At College Parents of America, […]

College Parents of America, Humor – College Student Of the Month Award

The sixth comic in the College Parents of America Humor series is now available on

College Sex – The Truth is in the Numbers

College sex. The truth is in the numbers.

Stop Texting: Time for Conversation With Your College Student

How and when parents choose to communicate to their college student is important to consider. So why, then, should you bother to call your college student? A phone call can provide some important qualities that texting cannot. Here are a few things to consider when you are tempted to use texting or e-mail as your only means to stay in touch.

Plan Your School Visit and Other Trips While Keeping in Mind Best and Worst Days to Travel

Whether you're planning a campus visit or arranging your student's international travel for break, it's important to keep in mind how the time of year could affect your plans. There are, of course, non-negotiable travel dates, such as the beginning and end of a semester, or holiday weekends. However, when possible, you should aim to plan around the most and least popular travel times of the year to reduce your costs and stress.