Roundup of Internship Resources

With the semester ending and the summer coming, many students are looking for an internship position, hoping to gain some real-life experience and even land a job placement. Your student may be frustrated by the amount of the internship information from the campus career office, the internet and even his social groups. Naturally, as a parent you'll have some questions of your own: Where should my student and I be searching? How can I help ease some of my student's internship stress? How can I give constructive advice but give my student the space s/he needs?

With the semester ending and the summer coming, many students are looking for an internship position, hoping to gain some real-life experience and even land a job placement. Your student may be frustrated by the amount of the internship information from the campus career office, the internet and even his social groups. Naturally, as a parent you’ll have some questions of your own: Where should my student and I be searching? How can I help ease some of my student’s internship stress? How can I give constructive advice but give my student the space s/he needs? What’s a good timeline for my student’s internship preparation?

You have questions, we have answers!

We are working with, the largest internship marketplace in the world. Together, we provide you with an understanding about why internships are so important, as well as how you can support your student in finding and landing a great internship. The right internship will set your student up for career success after graduation.

Start enjoying all of the free and reliable resouces by downloading the Internship eBook for Parents of College Students.

Other timely and relevant information and resources:

  • How can my student find an internship? Start with, choose from more than 49,000 internship positions from over 18,000 companies, for FREE!
  • What are other veteran interns talking about? What can my student learn from their experience? Read Eye of the Intern, a blog that covers all aspects of career development, including intern stories, interviews with cutting-edge employers, advice on marketing yourself, employment trends, useful social media tools and tips for using
  • A suite of resources that parents need to help your student find and land a great internship.
  • Why your student should consider an internship. What exactly is an internship? Why are internships so important?
  • How to help your college student use the summer month wisely. What are my student’s work-related summer options? What kind of adjustment do both you and your student need to make?
  • Finding (and funding) an internship for junior. Paid vs. unpaid internships. Should you fund your student as she interns for free?
  • Don’t settle when choosing an internship. Reasons why a great internship is so valuable and guidelines to help your student find an internship that will pay off.
  • Are internships the new entry-level jobs?

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