

5 Tips for Attending Family College Orientation

Whether your child is in the 7th grade or about to graduate from high school, you are probably wondering about many issues related to his or her transition to college.Many of your questions may be broad and child-centric: is my child academically prepared for the rigors of college? Will he or she have an adequate support system? How hard will it be for him or her to develop friendships?

Four Easy Steps To College Application Sanity

One peek in your son's room confirms that he's in the midst of the college application process. His floor is littered with school viewbooks, post-it notes obscure his computer screen, and his test score summary has gone AWOL. One thing is certain: if colleges are looking for well-organized students, he'll be getting mostly thin envelopes. You wonder how he'll ever pull it all together!

12 Days of the Best Adult Holiday Movies

The 12 Coolest Family Holiday Movies

The Road to Reauthorization

How to Analyze Higher Education Reforms

Eight Points For Parents Speaking With Students About Alcohol

Alcohol Talking Points for Families

Building Trust Between Colleges and Parents

Presidents of colleges and universities love to talk.They love to talk about the schools they lead, and why they are great. They love to talk about problems facing America and the world, and how U.S. higher education is producing the next generation of leaders to solve those problems. And they love to talk about the federal government, and how it is not spending enough money in support of colleges and universities.Actually, college presidents love to talk most of the time. When it comes to certain subjects, they grow quiet.

Four Easy Steps To Application Sanity

One peek in your son's room confirms that he's in the midst of the college application process. His floor is littered with school viewbooks, post-it notes obscure his computer screen, and his test score summary has gone AWOL. One thing is certain: if colleges are looking for well-organized students, he'll be getting mostly thin envelopes. You wonder how he'll ever pull it all together!


The school year is now at least a few weeks old for the vast majority of colleges across the country, though some on the quarter system may just be getting started this week or next.If your child is still in secondary school, you've probably remarked to each other how difficult it is, with today's busy lifestyles, for him or her to actually find time to study.But study time is critical, and it gets even more important when the young adults in your household go off to college.

Is the SAT Obsolete?

Until recently, it would have been heresy, and just plain bad practical advice, to tell a high school junior or senior with college aspirations not to take the SAT, especially if he or she lived on either coast of the United States.This ritual college admissions test, owned and operated by The College Board and administered by Pearsons, has hit some rocky times though, and now, more than ever, families of college-bound students may want to consider the SAT alternative or not take an admissions test at all.What happened to cause the mighty SAT to wobble?

Teens Reap Many Benefits from Mentor Relationships

Teens who identify at least one influential, "natural" mentor in their life - a person not assigned by a formal mentoring program - report that they have a higher sense of self and are more likely to take risks that affect their lives positively, according to data recently released by SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and Liberty Mutual.