college admissions


College Admissions Acronyms & Terms

Our comprehensive list of acronyms along with definitions for popular terms related to the college admissions process can be found here.

Four Easy Steps To College Application Sanity

One peek in your son's room confirms that he's in the midst of the college application process. His floor is littered with school viewbooks, post-it notes obscure his computer screen, and his test score summary has gone AWOL. One thing is certain: if colleges are looking for well-organized students, he'll be getting mostly thin envelopes. You wonder how he'll ever pull it all together!

Parents: How Prospective Colleges Communicate with Parents

5 Tips for Improved Communication with Colleges

The Best and Worst Free Speech Colleges

Free speech college rankings

Quick Thoughts on Early Admission Decisions & Final Applications

December is a hectic month for college-bound parents and their students. For students who have applied for an early admission decision, they will likely hear the results this month while also working to complete their applications to other colleges or universities.

Tips & Insights for Hacking College Admissions

This is the time of year when college families are looking for tips and insights into the college admissions process.  Over the year's we have published lists of suggestions but one of the best sources to gain some quick tips and insights to the admissions process is from the founder of Princeton Review and -  John Katzman.

2017 College Admissions – Decision Time

May 1st is the deadline for college decisions and therefore the stress is growing across the nation as students determine with some helpful guidance of their parents the right college for them to choose.

College Admissions Mania & New Year – Reaching a Good College Isn’t as Hard as It Seems

College Parents of America - reminds all college families - not to panic: We agree with the statement "If you work hard and get good grades and test scores, there is very likely a place in the best schools for you."

Don’t Despair, There is a College for Everyone

Just mention the words “college admissions,” and the anxiety level for some future college parent households rises as quickly as the spring pollen count outside their front doors.Part of that anxiety, no doubt, is being driven by a recent spate of high-profile newspaper articles, followed inevitably by their cribbing on television or radio news programs, all of which are collectively making the point that college admission is harder than ever.

Countdown to College – Admissions Tips

The 'hot' college that everyone in your class wants to go to will be harder to get accepted. Too many applicants from one school can cut down your chances. If there's a school you want to go to, keep your mouth shut!